
I was born 1981 in the German Democratic Republic in Dresden Saxony and grown up in a small town near to the border of Western Germany and the Czech Republic. I’m currently live in Berlin in a small wooden house with my wife, my little daughter and my dog.

I have studied Media Art & Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar. I developed the most of my projects at the chair of Media, Trend & Public Appearance by the New York/Berlin artist Prof. Christine Hill.

Many of my motifs are inspired by photographs taken by my wife from trips to the USA. She loves to take photos from abandoned motels, desert cacti, secluded service stations and trivial objects are thrust into the spotlight.

I love the trivial. I could find inspiration for my next motif in a garden chair or a rubbish bin. I try to reduce everything on my pictures to simple areas. The most time I take beautiful pastel colors and combine it in different layers. Sometimes I take special papers with nice structures or extra ordinary colors. The result is a collection of minimalist pop art which reflects a nostalgic banality of everyday life.